Monday, February 18, 2008

Where I find my HOPE for the future of America

I know many people say you shouldn't discuss politics because it can become very heated or even offensive to some individuals. I, however, feel differently. I don't expect you to agree with everything I say on my blog, but I know all of you will respect what I say - and that is all that matters to me. I am HUGE HUGE HUGE fan of Barack Obama and see him as the change that America needs. He is the first and only candidate that has been able to inspire me to watch debates, to follow the primaries, to read about issues and concerns in America and to REALLY believe that I can make a change by simply voting. Even if you are not interested in voting for Barack Obama - I encourage you to visit his site and really get to know what makes this man a great candidate for America. No matter which candidate you are for - get to those voting booths and make a difference. Thanks for allowing my plug!! If you do disagree - I ask that you politely not leave hateful messages in my comments, but just peruse the rest of my blog entries. Thank you! Please enjoy the will I am video below done by Obama supporters. It is a good one!! You will need to silence my playlist found at the bottom of my blog.

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